Wednesday, July 27, 2011

PerfSpot- Account Settings

To manage the settings of your perfspot profile click on the Accounts settings link as shown in the screen shot given below:

When you lend on this page you will see three options Privacy Options, Personal Info and Email Options as shown in the screen shot below:
1. Privacy Options:- Perfspot provide a very safe environment to his users. Perf spot Privacy Options deals with 4 level of security.
  • 1 - Everyone:- A Privacy Level of 1 allows content on your profile are visible to everyone even they are not your friend.
  • 2 - Friends:- A Privacy Level of 2 hides the content of your perfspot profile to be viewed by publicly. Only your friends can see the content under this option.
  • 3 - Best Friends:- A Privacy Level of 3 hides the content of your perf spot profile to be viewed by publicly and your friends. Only your best friends can see the content under this option.
  • 4 - Only Me:- A Privacy Level of 3 hides the content of your perf spot profile to be viewed by everyone except you.
Under Privacy option of perfspot you can also customize your profile settings. For e.g.
  • you can make your profile public or private.
  • Show or hide your online status.
  • Profile Visit History.
  • Display Last Login time.
  • Display Age on your profile.
  • Auto Approve ALL Friend Requests by other perf spot users.
  • Auto Approve Comments or not means if you want the comments sent to you must be approve before they get displayed on your profile.
  • You can also block any countries so that you don't get friend requests from there.
and many more.
2. Personal Info:-  Here you can update your personal information for your perf spot profile page.
3. Email Options:- Here your can manage your perfspot email notifications. If you no longer want to receive any email notification from perfspot or just want to receive a particular type notification not all, you can manage all these from here.


I like your blog,and also like the article,and thank you for provide me so much information :)) uv detector

I have another problem. Can not access to any social, musical, or any video site, or sites with pictures. Everything is blocked. I do not want to contact my administrator. Can You help me? How to skip this block, or that + Quote Post Trunks?

You do not have an answer for me ..?

Not able to open the site to log in as i have so many pending friends request to accept please help me

i have account but i can not enter

I cannot open my account after iam didnt open it about 2years, will you help me to open it again?

JE NE peut pas acces a mon cote

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Merci et bonne chance à tous.


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I was a member long ago. Now I want to Register again. How I can do it,

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