Friday, July 29, 2011

Delete PerfSpot Account

To delete perf spot account you need send an email to 
The subject of the email should be 'Delete my Account', and You can write the reason as a message of the email or if you don't want leave it empty. But the most important thing you must remember while sending this email to perf spot that your email id must also be the perfspot login id because this is the only way for the perfspot to know that you are the actual owner of this account which you want to delete. Removing perfspot account may take few days.

Note: Unsubscribe link will not DELETE YOUR ACCOUNT. It will only remove your email id from their mailing address.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Perf Spot- Manage Friend Requests

1. This is the entering point to manage friend requests in perfspot. Here 9 is a notification link showing that 9 peoples want to add you as perf spot friend. After lading on Manage Friend Request page you will see three main links Incoming, Outgoing and New Friends.

2. Incoming Link will show you the list of all people want to add you as a friend. Here you can approve or any deny them and even you can block them also that so won't be able to send you request again on perfspot.
Note: you can deny all friend request or accept all with a particular level of perf spot privacy option as show in the screen shot below.
If you want to know more about perf spot privacy level then please click here.
3. Outgoing link will show you the list of friend sent by you to other perf spot users. From here you can delete them if you don't want to continue with your friend request with them.
4. New Friends link will show you the list of all perfspot users who has accepted your friend request. From here you can set perfspot privacy level for them. You can also set a particular privacy level for all your new friends with a single click as shown in the screen shot below.

PerfSpot- Account Settings

To manage the settings of your perfspot profile click on the Accounts settings link as shown in the screen shot given below:

When you lend on this page you will see three options Privacy Options, Personal Info and Email Options as shown in the screen shot below:
1. Privacy Options:- Perfspot provide a very safe environment to his users. Perf spot Privacy Options deals with 4 level of security.
  • 1 - Everyone:- A Privacy Level of 1 allows content on your profile are visible to everyone even they are not your friend.
  • 2 - Friends:- A Privacy Level of 2 hides the content of your perfspot profile to be viewed by publicly. Only your friends can see the content under this option.
  • 3 - Best Friends:- A Privacy Level of 3 hides the content of your perf spot profile to be viewed by publicly and your friends. Only your best friends can see the content under this option.
  • 4 - Only Me:- A Privacy Level of 3 hides the content of your perf spot profile to be viewed by everyone except you.
Under Privacy option of perfspot you can also customize your profile settings. For e.g.
  • you can make your profile public or private.
  • Show or hide your online status.
  • Profile Visit History.
  • Display Last Login time.
  • Display Age on your profile.
  • Auto Approve ALL Friend Requests by other perf spot users.
  • Auto Approve Comments or not means if you want the comments sent to you must be approve before they get displayed on your profile.
  • You can also block any countries so that you don't get friend requests from there.
and many more.
2. Personal Info:-  Here you can update your personal information for your perf spot profile page.
3. Email Options:- Here your can manage your perfspot email notifications. If you no longer want to receive any email notification from perfspot or just want to receive a particular type notification not all, you can manage all these from here.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Perf Spot Inbox

1. This is the entering point in your inbox in perfspot.
2. Inbox link shows the message received by you. These messages can be fresh messages sent by your friends or reply of messages sent by you to them.
3. Sent Mail links shows you the messages sent by you to your perf spot friends. It's shows all messages sent from you whether they get reply for not.
4. Compose Message link let you send a fresh message to a single or a group of your perf spot friends.
Sending a group message in perfspot is really cool feature in case if you just want to share your best-loved thing between your selected friends and not with everyone. When you will click on the Compose Message link you see a small window as shown in given below screen shot:

From here you can type type name of your friends and perf spot will auto suggest you your friends name just like Google search.
5. From this section of Perfspot inbox you can manage the list of your messages like you can mark read or unread and even delete your selected messages.
Note: In perf spot if you send a message to your friend and later you want to delete it then you can only delete it from your profile and you can not delete it from your friend's perfspot profile.

Monday, July 25, 2011

PerfSpot Login

Login on perfspot is very easy. Just go to and enter your user email id and password and login if you don’t have account then you need register yourself which is very easy process as shown the screen shots given below. After sign up you can login in perfspot.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

PerfSpot- My Blogs

Please click on "My Blogs" link as shown in given below screen shot to manage and post a blog on PerfSpot.
Now you are on a page where you can create and post your own blog at perfspot as shown in the screen shot given below. (Notice the red arrow pointing the links on this page).

Now see purpose of these links marked by red arrow.
1. You can view most popular blogs on perf spot from here.
2. You can view all types of blogs on perf spot from here.
3. You can view all of blogs posted by you on perf spot from here.
4. You can create a new blog from here.
5. To find a particular blog type here and then click on "Search" link.
6. You can filter the search for a blog by choosing different categories like Movies, Music, Business etc.
7. You can also search or view a blog in a posted in particular language.
8. You can also view your own blog by:
  • Most popular.
  • Most recent.
  • Most Viewed.
  • Most commented.

Finally to post a blog on perfspot please see the screen shot blew.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

PerfSpot- My pictures

To view all the photo album uploaded by you on perf spot please see the screen shot given blew.

PerfSpot- My Commnets

To view all of yours comments posted by your friends on your perfspot page, see the screen shot below.

You can also view your newly posted comments and many more from the Notification section in your perf spot page as shown in screen shot given below.

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